Create Proposal
Last updated
Last updated
To create a new proposal, users need to have at least a certain amount of GT. This minimum amount will vary depending on the type of proposal.
For details, please refer to the “Proposal Type” Table.
Step 1
On the My proposal screen, tap on the “Create a proposal” button to create a new proposal.
Step 2
Enter the proposal information:
Proposal title
Proposal type: select one of 5 types: Blockchain Core, Finance Fund Control, Process/Service Project Audit, Donation Fruits Station, and Information Web UI/UX
Proposal description content
Step 3:
The button will only be enabled when the user satisfies the conditions to create a proposal.
Click the button --> display Confirm Create Proposal popup
Step 4
Enter PIN
Step 5
Click the “Confirm” button --> The system checks the PIN. If the PIN is correct --> The network will confirm a transaction. After the transaction is confirmed, the proposal is created successfully.
The amount of GT/FRTS used by the user to create a proposal will be locked.
It means that users can not transfer voted GT/FRTS during the proposal's voting process.
This amount of GT/FRTS will be unlocked when the proposal's voting end or the proposal is canceled/ rejected.