Proposal Type

Proposal Type
Proposal Creating Condition
Proposal Voting Condition
Success Condition
Voting Time

Blockchain Core

Own more than 100,000,000 FRTS and more than 5,000,000 GT

Own at least 1,000,000 GT

more than 2/3 vote for the proposal and at least 200,000,000 GT (50% of total supply) have voted

90 days

Finance Fund control

Own more than 50,000,000 FRTS and more than 500,000 GT

Own at least 1,000,000 GT

more than 2/3 vote for the proposal and at least 200,000,000 GT (50% of total supply) have voted

60 days

Process /Service project audit

Own more than 1,000,000 FRTS and more than 100,000 GT

Own at least 10,000 GT

more than half vote for the proposal and at least 120,000,000 GT (30% of total supply) have voted

30 days

Donation Fruits Station

Own more than 10,000 FRTS and more than 1,000 GT

Own at least 1,000 GT

more than half vote for the proposal and at least 120,000,000 GT (30% of total supply) have voted

15 days

Information Web/UI/UX

Own more than 10,000 FRTS and more than 100 GT

Own at least

100 GT

more than half vote for the proposal and at least 40,000,000 GT (10% of total supply) have voted

15 days

Last updated